Saturday, January 2, 2010


Dear friends,
    Greetings to you. I am Absolom the son of king David.How are you living your life?
   You must have heard or read about my life on earth. It is a true story.
   Really,I lived a rebellious life ,reckless and sinful life. I was a prince, but here i am writing from a place i never knew was real and true.It does not mean anything to be a prince,I am regretting all i did on earth, if i had the chance of living like anyone else,i may have been in a better place.
  Therefore use the opportunity of this my advice and live a better life than me,because,
 "there is a way that seemeth right unto man,but the end is the way of death" (Prov 14:12)
  I rebelled against my father,murdered my brother Amon,committed adultery against my father's wifes,I fornicated,caused war in my fathers palace. Infact i was stubborn and acid headed.
  I had my reasons for doing those evils.But my reasons are not able to justify me before God.I never repented of my sin that was the greatest mistake i made.I thought life was all about man die and go.I never knew repentance was the key to life.
  Don't make the same mistake i made,i am in agony here. Had i known life is more than what i thougth it was, i wouldn't have ended up here. Please repent from your sins now is not late.
  It is better to repent now than regrat latter.Be wise now,you have better opportunity to receive pardon.But if you die without repenting there is no more hope.Please take my advice and live a christain life,it pays.
                                                                                                       PRINCE ABSOLOM DAVID.  

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Does God Promise Riches

  The Hebrew scriptures associates Gods blessings with material prosperity. An example is in Deuteronomy 8:18,"you must remember the lord your God,because he is the giver of power to you and to your wealth". this shows that God has power to prosper a nation.
  One may ask what of Individuals? The bible made us to know that Solomon was the wealthiest man on earth,Job was enormously wealthy,Abraham too was wealthy. Genesis 13:2,"heavily stocked with herds and silver and gold.".
  Many of God's servents in the past were rich.Does it then holds true that serving God diligently  creates wealth? Does it also mean that poor people are not serving God the right way?Does it mean that to be poor is a curse by God for not worshipping him faithfully?
  In the New testerment Mary the mother of Jesus was highly favored by God yet she was not rich. When mary offered sacrifice to God ,she presented a pair of young pigeons which was a customary offering that poor people made to God.
 Jesus himself was not a rich man on earth. He said in Luke 9:57-58."Foxs have dens and birds of heaven have roosts but the son of man has no place to lay his head." Apostle Paul wrote."he became poor for your sakes,that you might become rich through his poverty.
  Material wealth is often not what God promised his children. In James 2:5, James wrote."Listen,My beloved brothers.God chose the ones who are poor respecting the world to be rich in faith and heirs of his kingdom,which he promised to does who love him did he not?".
  If the riches Jesus gave to his disiples were not material ones, what kind of riches did he give? In a letter that Jesus wrote to the congregation in Smyrna,he said "I know your tribulations and poverty but you are rich."(Revelation 2:8-9). Jesus also said that a wise man stores his riches in heaven were no thefs or insects will damage it.This surely tells us that christains may not be rich materially but their riched is stored in heaven were it will not be attacked by thefs or damaged by insects and were it will last for ever and ever.

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